不知道为什么 (第1/4页)


Men should marry when they are young, and women should marry when they are young. This has been an unchanging principle since ancient times. Although it is now advocated to change customs and engage in new weddings, pared to the 1960s and 1970s, it has bee more luxurious and the simple customs of people no longer exist. I am from Zhuzhou, Hunan. Let me talk about the wedding customs in Zhuzhou.

isiting and Engaging

Matchmaker es to propose marriage

When men and women reach the age of marriage, their parents first find a matchmaker. When the matchmaker discovers that there is someone of appropriate age in the family, they first municate with their parents and then schedule a date to arrange a blind date location, usually a market place. On the day of the market, both the man and the woman go to the designated location, take a look at each other, say a few words, and show their cheerful personality on the spot. Generally, they will return home and talk to the





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