错了,抱歉啦 (第1/5页)


After breakfast, the other people of the Yang family went to work, today He Yuzhu will go, they do not go to work also have nothing to do, there is only a little boy left in the home, crying don't let He Yuzhu go.

Although the little guy is still young, but also know He Yuzhu good, realize He Yuzhu in time, he can eat a lot of delicious.

He can even be the king of the children, a group of children around him, let him feel high.

So when He Yuzhu was going to leave, he felt as if "the sky had fallen", has been noisy noisy not to let He Yuzhu go.

Yang Xue face a plate, scold said: "Small third son, you are not itching, also quickly let go of your pillar brother, or I will hit you.

I'm on the count of three. One, two, three."

When Yang Xue counted to three, the third son immediately loosened his hand holding He Yuzhu and ran away, looking back from time to time for fear that Yang Xue would catch up.

He Yuzh





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